

The handle on a door or window is an important part of the entire design. As standard, we supply a modern and functional handle in matte natural aluminium.

Do you need tips on which knob you should choose? We are happy to help you.

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We also provide handles with other finishes:

  • White enamel
  • Matte chrome

Or locking handles / safety handles:

  • Childproof locks
  • Burglar-proof handles
  • “Universal handles”


Documentation is coming.

    Get an offer

    Tell us a little about your needs, and we will help you find the best solution.

    Sturle Sørstrønen

    Sturle Sørstrønen
    Sales Director

    +47 907 23 207
    Tor Andrè Aspenes

    Tor Andrè Aspenes
    Regional Director

    +47 928 32 113